DiamondGlow, also known as Derma Infusion, is non-invasive facial treatment that exfoliates, extracts and infuses the skin with Skin Medica serums. It uses a diamond-tipped wand to remove dead skin cells, deep clean pores, and hydrate the skin. The treatment is customized to each skin type with diamond tips that vary in abrasion. We have 3 levels. DiamondGlow Basic $175 Uses one serum in treatment plus a mask and a hand massage. DiamondGlow Deluxe $200 Uses 2 serums, a pass around the eyes and a sheet mask and hand massage. DiamondGlow Elite $225 Uses 2 serums a pass around the eyes, TNS Mask and eye gel mask and a hand massage. SkinMedica Pro-Infusion Serums are used to deliver lasting results.